09 Jun 2023

GBB - registration increase and bonus win limits

The Great British Bonus scheme is now three -years old. With that comes the opportunity to assess and make changes if and where necessary.

GBB has been a great success and has achieved so much in such a short space of time. With that success has come popularity and registrations have been running 15% higher than anticipated. Regretfully but perhaps not unsurprisingly, we have reached a point where we must increase registration fees.

The new fees are as follows:

Stage 1 - £450 (£200 discount to TBA members) - £50 increase

Stage 2 - £250 - £50 increase

Stage 3 - £450 - £100 increase

The second change relates to limiting the value of bonuses that can be won. At present, there are no limits but from 1st July, bonus wins will be restricted to £100,000 for 100% GBB fillies and £50,000 for 50% GBB fillies.

Both these changes will be implemented from 1st July 2023. These two changes have been made after careful consideration to ensure the continuance and success of the Great British Bonus.

For more information, please visit the Great British Bonus website.